Painting in the Park in the Dark
Today I hurried off to finish out a Sunday painting in the park- one I'd started a few weeks back but figured I could develop better, and the light was just getting right- sunset, and sort of a dimness over everything. A busy day with bees, and as soon as I got the last hive buttoned up I loaded up and headed down there. The town where I live has lost a lot of its soul- everything is cleaned up, lots of new people with their dogs and bikes and running gear- lots of folks speaking Hindu and Russian (not that they aren't a welcome addition), and its just different. In the same place I go now, when I used to paint,there was no trail, just a tunnel in the Salmonberry that you'd lean down and follow a long ways until you came out on the river, and there would be a 12 year old farm kid there fishing in a chair with a fire, throwing catfish on the fire to kill them, trying to catch Steelhead in this slow water, and there was just a little strip of sand. Now its dogs and p...